Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Purpose Driven News

Usually I am not one to talk about Rick Warren or his church. However, one of my favorite writers, Malcolm Gladwell (patron saint of Jordon Cooper), profiled Rick Warren, his church and the book, PDL in the latest New Yorker (sadly they have not made it available online).

It is an excellent article, reviewed and detailed here. Hopefully it will soon be archived at Gladwell's personal site.

In similar news, Jordon made me aware of a disturbing piece of news regarding the Purpose Driven Life's marketing guru and an attempt to suppress a book detailing how he marketed the phenomenon. Click here for more info (and a reminder of why I hate marketing).

1 comment:

g13 said...

i heard about the supression of the pyro-marketing book months ago. our ability to deceive ourselves (i.e., by saying that pdl has nothing to do with marketing and everything to do with proclamation) never ceases to amaze me.

if you will now excuse me, i need to go refill my purpose-driven coffee cup.