Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lent Ideas

as we enter the season of Lent everyone has their own little agenda as to how we should engage. I get emails from too many groups with advice, ideas and ways to help their organization. Filtering through the choices can be overwhelming. Among my favorites of today is from Interfaith Power and Light (great organization with one of the worst names). Here is their Lenten advice from the email I received.

Christians begin the season of Lent today, which lasts until Easter Sunday on April 11th. Whether or not this practice is part of your faith tradition, it can be a renewing experience to try to extend your energy-saving habits one step further for a specified amount of time. If you haven't decided what to give up yet, you might try one of the following ideas or a few, depending on how far you want to go:
Buy more locally produced food. You can reduce emissions from transportation by buying from farmers markets and eating foods in season rather than foods shipped in from around the globe. 

Use alternative transportation to work, school, or your place of worship.  This is a good way to slow down and find a few extra minutes for contemplation during Lent. 

Eat less meat. Reducing the amount of meat you consume, even just one day a week, will make a difference in your carbon footprint. 

Turn down your thermostat. Grab a blanket and add an extra layer of clothing. Even one degree lower will add up to big energy savings. 

Try a media fast. It can be very rewarding to turn off televisions, computers, and radios a few nights a week and sit down to a board game with your family.

For info click here

1 comment:

kristi said...

i vote for family board who in this family is a scoffer of board games? :)

i really wish this hadn't snuck up on me. (yes, i know it's sneaked. but snuck sounds better.)