I write like
David Foster Wallace
David Foster Wallace
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!
I kept running my writing through this writer analysis and it tells me I write like DFW usually (when not doing straight satire) and James Joyce at other times. DFW is one of my favorites and JJ I can live without. While I think anyone with sloppy, stream of conscious, rambling writing will get these 2 (which means all bloggers), I will still take DFW- probably because I use so many parentheticals.
Some of my more satirical writings (the ones built like news stories) get compared to Dan Brown and JJ. My last Mark Driscoll/ Lebron piece got compared to Chuck Palahniuk which is frightening. I am guessing they get compared to Brown because they sound like crappily written pieces of crap that make no sense.
i just got:
david foster wallace
charles dickens
cory doctorow
stephen king
and cory doctorow (i don't have time to google him but don't know who that is)
are there any female writers? i want to be flannery o'connor.
oh sweet! i just got a woman this time: margaret atwood. don't know who she is either, but at least it's a woman this time. ;)
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