Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Walmart makes Top 10 Worst Companies of 2004

The Multinational Monitor has released its 10 Worst companies of 2004, led by the illustrious WalMart, where you can buy stuff for less because the behometh has no accountability. Just in time for Walmart's new PR move, a list of the 10 Worst companies in the world has reminded us that all of the ads taken out in all of America's top papers cannot change the fact that they are in the midst of the largest class action lawsuit in history (1.6 million women employees are suing them), are losing site battles in many communties, block union efforts, pay much less than the national norm, pay women and minorities less, use illegal immigrants for cleaning, supposedly lock workers in at night (from the outside), alledgedly ask workers to stay longer-but off the clock and cause a strain on the US government's welfare programs.

As one watcher says, “There’s no question that Wal-Mart imposes a huge, often hidden, cost on its workers, our communities and U.S. taxpayers,” Miller said. “And Wal-Mart is in the driver’s seat in the global race to the bottom, suppressing wage levels, workplace protections and labor laws.”

To be fair, Fortune has named them the company to be most admired for 2 straight years- Profits before People should be Fortune's slogan. I guess small aisles, disgruntled employees, unpleasant experiences and some shoppers who expect everything for free is also to be admired. It is worth the extra 25 cents for diapers to go to Target.

Other companies listed include Hardee's, Coca Cola, AIG, Dow and a couple of pharmacuetical companies. It is worth reading.

As a Christian I have the freedom to shop at these places and do business with such companies, but is it responsible? As Paul would ask, "is it beneficial?"

article from St. Pete Times

Multinational Monitor Top Ten List

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think instead of having the freedom to shop at these places, you rather have the freedom to resist. Good show mate!