Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The War on "The War on Christmas" Begins

A well meaning friend who has no idea of how I actually feel on such issues, forwarded this important email to me last night. Apparently, the War on "The War on Christmas" has begun.

WalMart and Sam's fired the first shots by having the audacity to release an ad with the word "Holiday" when the Godless Pagans should have used the word "Christmas." (thank God the AFA spends hours scouring through sales circulars and catalogs so we will be aware of this stuff).

I hope O'Reilly and Coulter are sharpening their pencils and preparing their virulent rhetoric for this company taking Jesus out of the Consumerism and Shopping.

You know how much I hate it when we cannot connect Jesus and Shopping!

Anyway, here is the Action Alert from the American Family Association which fired back at Walmart and Sam's.

the term "war on the 'war on Christmas" comes from the Daily Show and Colbert Report.


Bob Robinson said...


How can I enjoy Christmas if I can't differentiate the birth of the Lord and Savior from the purchase of cards, ribbon, and gift bags?

Did you see how pagan the "holiday" has become?!?

Down there in the bottom corner Sam's is trying to sell WINE!!!

Bob Robinson said...


And I'm honored to be the one to break your record streak.