Thursday, May 28, 2009

a visualization of what goes through my mind when hearing about Jon and Kate G

The following images express what enters my mind whenever I see or hear anything about those 2 people all over the news that have 8 kids and apparently hate on each other while the public watches.


kristi said...

ditto. i have thought more about posting a blog about this insane couple, but i have worried about my own sanity and health while writing, so for now, i wait...

Brandon said...

Once again, you made me laugh. Thanks, Rick!

Unknown said...

great fun blog and is a stress reduction video free...enjoy.... you can get a personalized one by contacting me...have fun!!!


christine said...

I purposely came to your blog figuring you would have something wise to share about this topic. Thanks.

DJ Word said...


Sorry I had nothing too insightful to say. anything I said would probably echo some of the Luddites calling reality television a witches brew of evil, or something like that.

I do think this exemplifies the dangers of celebrity culture to a T. It also shows how dangerous riches, celebrity and narcissism are for any self described follower of Christ. that Christians have trumpeted this couple has been bad for the couple and the faithful. anything we try to lift up besides Christ is destructive, because we usually try to prop up anything that gives us lip service and is popular (see Mel Gibson).

And, then we turn on them in an instant and act like they were never something we cared for or followed, much like the Jews did with Jesus a week after the Triumphant Entry.

television distorts, it does not show reality. It does allow the basest parts of each of us to come forth, especially when money and fame enter the picture. Its stress fractures things that may have been built on dangerous ground, but would have been fine until the extra stressers came (stressers that may not have arrived without the fame).

I think TV has a great track record of family destruction, sadly.

Anyway, I am babbling and you can see why I did not put this on my blog.

here is a good article from CT

emilykatz said...

Rick... I would love to hear why you think the article from CT is a good one.... isn't the author judging the very sad fall out and all of J&K's parenting decisions? Just a thought.

Michael said...

Rick you are unpredictable but reliable.