Thursday, June 02, 2005

Personal Notes

1. I am in the running for a very good position with a respected local ministry. I would ask for prayer in this situation (however you like to pray). If it works out, it would give us a chance to; stay local, start some ministry stuff in town without raising money, give us the money we need to be solvent, stay close to my parents, etc.

We had assumed that God was moving us to a ministry position in another area of the country, but would love to stay if it works out. I hear if I am a finalist tomorrow. I usually do not blog about stuff like this, but thought I should this time.

2. We had the opportunity to spend some time with old friends from college/ seminary during the Memorial Day Weekend. It was great to be with them. We were in Suwannee County (where I grew up) on the Itchtucknee River (which I grew up floating down). It is nice to see that a few things do not change too much (even if the idea of vacationing where I grew up is a foreign idea). The river is still crystal clear, terribly cold and full of rednecks on inner tubes (my friend Dave calls it the Redneck yacht club). As we traveled up river, we were able to show the kids a mother manatee and her cub. Marley jumped in the river a couple of times and our kids need swim lessons.

3. Gillian saw her first PG film this weekend. She saw Fat Albert with the family we were staying with. Watching the movie, I felt nostalgic for that wonderful Bill Cosby created cartoon series that is deeply ingrained in my subconscious. I wonder if some of my somewhat liberal views on race (especially for a southerner growing up in a racist culture) can be attributed to watching these young black kids solve people's problems each week. I may sound old, but "they do not make them like that anymore," and "we need more role models for kids like Fat Albert." Cosby was ahead of his time.

4. Hurricane season started yesterday. Ugh!


DAVID C. PRICE said...

I'll be praying for your job possibility...hope it works out.

I wonder if some of my somewhat liberal views on race (especially for a southerner growing up in a racist culture) can be attributed to watching these young black kids solve people's problems each week.

I assume you didn't mean to communicate that only people with somewhat liberal views are non-racist, right? Other than that, I'm with you, man...Fat Albert was one of my favorites.

DJ Word said...

what I mean is I have somewhat liberal veiws on race, but if you look at how I grew up, they may be considered very liberal. Since I grew up in a place where blacks were 2nd class unless they were great athletes, I am not sure what to attribute my views on. I think having black kids save me from redneck bullies a few times helped too.

In my hometown, if you believe blacks and whites are equal, blacks and white can marry or worship together- you are liberal in your views. If you don't call blacks "them" or worse or blame them for most problems in the area, you would be liberal.

Of course, as Christians who have thought about race, most of us would be considered liberal by many people from my home.

But, I am probably a little more "progressive" on race issues than many of my evangelical friends(although not Liberal by Liberal standards). I think it is a reaction to my past in some ways.

DAVID C. PRICE said...

Having grown up in Jackson, MS, I totally understand what you're saying. Differentiating, or maybe clarifying the use of "liberal" was helpful. I had a great deal to overcome in order to arrive at a Biblical perspective on race relations and that was only through the grace of God. BTW, I've been praying for you about the job...hope that's working out well.