Wednesday, August 16, 2006

the coming rift in the Religious Right

I have become aware of the coming rift in the Religious Right. As we have been seeing lately within the SBC, there are conservatives interested in the the of Christianity and those interested in closing themselves from anything outside of their tiny encampment. One such voice is Ken Conner, former head of Florida's pro-life movement and a player in the church and state in Florida for close to 20 years.

Apparently, he is interested in the common ground (Christ) that politically liberal and politically conservative Christians share. He also believes those on the Christian Right must listen to the critiques coming from Christian brothers and sisters, especially on the quiet emanating from the Right on issues of poverty and greed. Read it here.

On the other end of the Religious Right spectrum is anti-historian and classic eisegete Tony Perkins with his illogical repudiation of Christian pacifism based upon the neo-conservative political leanings and ramblings of a dead journalist when one would expect Biblical reasoning from the leader of a "Christian" organization.Read Here.

Thanks to Carlos at Jesus Politics for the hits.

You can see other examples of the future rift by reading Crunchy Cons, which should be required reading for any Christian conservative, especially members of the RR and Republican party who want to see a Biblically defensible position in action.


james said...

From the article:

"The American pacifists, therefore, are on the side of future mass murderers of Americans. They are objectively pro terrorist."

Good use of Eisegesis Rick. This guy clearly has put America first and God second.

DLW said...

Hit Perkins et al hard rhetorically and support those of the religious right that are more amenable to dialogue with others as part of their Christian witness.

This may be the way to move forward on the Cultural Wars, if you shared my pragmatic prolife manifesto, that you already commented on, with others who might find it a reasonable proposal, it could help as well...
